Wednesday 17 June 2009

And another thing... the set-up cringe

Wow, twice in one day! Just a note about friends trying to set one up. It is almost always cringe-inducing. I have never had a friend attempt a set-up with any sort of subtlety. The last one, at her own wedding, when her thoughts might justifiably have been elsewhere, was positively grotesque. I appreciate what she thought she was doing for me, but, wow, humiliation central.
Added to that the fact of whom she was trying to set me up with,and the cringe factor just increased ten-fold. Shorter than me in stocking-feet by about 4 inches, sweet enough, for lack of any better description, but utterly without personality, charm, charisma or ambition. Halfway decent brain, but hideously dull job, with no outside interests as far as I could tell. I did try to have a conversation with the man, but it was like - actually I don't have a sufficiently impossible simile for the farce that was that attempt at conversation! I love my friend dearly, and I appreciate that she was thinking of me, but if that's honestly the sort of man she can see me with, I'd rather be an utterly disgraceful spinster, preferably with a string of younger gigolos instead of cats!
Dating websites have also come up with some charmers - my best match on one was an unemployed handyman from the far north, who hadn't even completed high school, let alone graduate school, whose hobbies included rap (which I loathe), heavy metal (which I can't stand) and watching football (which bores me to tears).
Yes, I guess I'm just a bit picky for wanting a moderately well-educated man with whom I can have a conversation, whose bald spot I can't see when I look down, and whose tastes in music wouldn't drive me to destroy the stereo.


  1. sigh setups... yes i've had my fair share of those. and while i thank my friends for having my happy ever after in mind, most of 'em need to have a lil more thought process going on besides "he's single, she's single and therefore they should be setup".

    some of 'em got it pretty right but somehow never those setups never ended well. and one other friend graciously offered to set me up with some of her lesbian or bisexual friends... only that i'm straight! but almost all of 'em found their "true love" right after being set up with me. it's quite strange but yeah... wanna find your "true love"? get set up with me!

  2. When I was in college, there were a bunch of people who wanted to set me up. The problem was I wasn't ready.
